Strength In Om

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A Bedtop Boost

Need an extra boost in the morning? Learn an awakening and supportive pose you can do from the bed before your feet ever hit the floor.

Sometimes it is hard to get out of bed! No matter how much rest I have gotten the night before or how excited I am for the day ahead, somehow my comforter holds me hostage!

On those days, I find that easing into a wakeful state sets the tone for the rest of the day. From my bed, I have completed meditations or gentle stretches before my feet ever hit the floor. If you are looking for such a stretch, I recommend practicing Baddha Konasana, or Bound Angle Pose.

It is great for awakening the body, improving your posture, and relieving sciatica. Please do not practice this pose if you have a groin or knee injury and take special precautions if you are menstruating.

If you are reading this while laying down, locate two pillows and ease into the following:

  • Roll to one side of the body and gently press up to a comfortable seated position.

  • Extend the legs and root the sitting bones down into the bed. Inhale.

  • Exhale to bring the navel in and lift the heart up to lengthen the spine.

  • Draw the heels towards your pelvis as the knees fall open creating a diamond shape.

  • Press the back of the shoulder blades together to open up the heart.

  • Open the soles of your feet as if you are opening a book.

  • Hold the pose for 8 breaths.

BONUS: Place one pillow under each knee for additional support.
