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Off the Mat

To cultivate a disciplined yoga lifestyle, it is possible to move through yoga principles off the mat daily (even when you’re tired)!

Have you ever woken up and just sat there? Though you made up your mind to practice everyday, today does not feel like the day!

In the last post, you learned how yoga is more than poses on the mat. It includes a set of principles for daily living.

How can you practice yoga everyday and still reap the benefits?

In a time that many people are working from home, it is important to commit to moving your body everyday. One of my personal commitments is to walk around my neighborhood during work meetings. For you, it could be walking the kid around the block for their gym time. Another option is to walk down each aisle at the grocery store.

On days that you do not feel like moving your body on the mat, simply make a commitment to move your body and practice yoga in a different way.

  1. If you know of someone who has given from a place of scarcity, practice asteya (non stealing) by returning the favor or item to them without explanation.

  2. Read a book about yoga philosophy, your preferred sacred text, or self-improvement for 15-30 minutes to practice svadhyaya (self-study).

  3. Consider an area of your life that has been consuming your mind and practice pratyahara (detachment) by making the conscious choice to surrender it through your spoken words or journaling.

Know that it is possible to practice yoga everyday even if you do not roll out your mat.
