Goddess Glow
Cultivate an aura of radiance and light with this practice.
When I think of femininity, the first thought that comes to mind is the sound of heels coming down the hall in elementary school. The steps were never rushed. Instead, they had a cadence of their own.
Photo by Caio Cardenas from Pexels
Maybe you think of a mother. The caring and nurturing essence she offers her children extends beyond the home to everyone she knows.
Do you see yourself operating from this ease or generous space?
If not, consider self-reflection. Your hindrance could be due to your own wounds. When you feel threatened by lack, you may develop a GRIND mentality. When you’re filled with resentment, there’s an inability to connect with an open heart.
You lose your glow.
The glow is not limited to just women. In yoga and in many other philosophies, we all possess both masculine and feminine traits. The masculine trait is the energy of responsibility, whereas the feminine trait is more intuitive and nurturing.
If you are finding yourself operating from hurt or hardness, here are some ways to restore the glow of the goddess within you. Consider the following:
Go with the flow. When you feel the strong urge to “make something happen,” acknowledge your feelings and surrender.
Treat yourself! Don’t wait for the perfect conditions before you celebrate your existence. Make time for you daily.
Practice Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)
Once you have completed the practice, please share your thoughts below and reflect in your personal journal anything that came up for you. Thank you for sharing your practice with me!