Restoring Inner Peace
Cultivate inner balance and relaxation with this gentle practice.
To be completely honest, relocating across the country as well as the heaviness of the COVID-19 pandemic and racially rooted fatal shootings have left me feeling off. My workouts and practice are distant friends; I know the only way to get back into the groove is to go at a pace that is tender and slow. In this practice, we will do a gentle hip opener in Sukhasana (Easy Pose) before settling into Savasana (Corpse Pose).
Sukhasana (Easy Pose) with a Bolster
Sukhasana helps to detoxify the body and give a sense of alignment or bringing everything back to the center. If you have a bolster, consider sitting on top of it as a gentle way to open the hips especially if they are tight. To maintain inner harmony, practice with one leg in front first and then the opposite leg in front for the same amount of time.
Savasana helps to balance all of your systems and helps to reduce anxiety and stress. Should you experience lower back pain on a regular basis, you may put the bolster under the knees. Another option would be to keep the feet planted on the floor at hips distance apart. Then allow the knees to rest on each other in the center.
Savasana (Corpse Pose) with a Bolster
Once you have completed the practice, please share your response to the question:
Which pose felt good for you?
You may comment below and reflect in your personal journal any thoughts that came up for you. Thank you for sharing your practice with me!