welcome home

Welcome to #StrengthAthOMe where you can practice yoga in the comfort of your home. Grab your yoga mat and join me for our first flow!


Hey! My name is Shavonne and I want to help you build Strength At hOMe! I know it’s not always easy to maintain a monthly yoga membership. It may even feel intimidating when you’re not as “flexible” as the yogi in the ads. Don’t let that hinder you.

A special thank you to my Aunt Lisa for lending us her beautiful home!

You should try yoga for yourself!

Let me tell you why.

I felt the same way on the first day of yoga teacher training. Just a year prior, I was competing as an Olympic Weightlifter, but became inactive and gained thirty pounds. By the time I walked into the doors the first night of training, I was filled with doubt about what I could offer future yogis like you.

Then I decided to do the yoga teacher training for me; and only for me.

That is what you must do.


You must make your practice personal.


When you do, you will come to know that you are perfect just as you are and learn to trust your intuition. Most of all, you will find your yoga.

It was only when I found my yoga that I realized I had something to offer others. hOMe is my gift to you because home is the first place you practice life skills and find comfort. In the same way, hOMe is where you can practice yoga and find comfort in spaces outside of the yoga studio.

So, welcome to our virtual yoga studio and please enjoy the first video from Strength In Om!



Shavonne Holton is a creative visionary, tree loving Indianapolis native, and author of Dating Daddy: Realizing God as Father through Daddy Issues and Bad Romance.


An Incognito Intro to Yoga